Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Dr. Mølgaard.... Paging Dr. Mølgaard

Well, sort of. He ain't done yet, BUT Morten got to pick today where he is going to take his residency (or the Danish facsimilie thereof). And he got one of his Top 5 picks! We get to stay in Aarhus, our little apartment and the normal, routine little life that we currently enjoy (the labrats that we are). And Morten will be working at the Orthopedic Surgical Unit, which means Emergency Room and lots of broken stuff, like Morten likes. The great thing is that he has an option to follow those patients which require neurosurgery afterwards, which is what Morten hopes to get to do when he's done.
The second 6 months, Morten will be at the Renal Unit and all that entails. Don't ask me... all I know is dialysis and high blood pressure. But he tells me that it's a lot more complicated than that... I'm sure it is.
Either way, he is stoked to say the least! You're almost there, babe!

1 comment:

David and Katya said...

Hi Leah, congratulations with Århus!!! This is really great news for you guys. Morten is lucky to be working at some of the best departments. Put is this way- no sleep at skadestue for the first 6 months, and full night sleep during the next 6 months in skejby (probably better than at home!)
See you tomorrow