Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Samuel Oscar - 3 months

Here some new pictures of Samuel Oscar, a.k.a. Sammy, SamO, Sam... He's our little sweetie, no matter what you call him.

Sam just recently had a little operation under which he was fully anæsthetized and intubated. So when he came back to me, he had a little green surgical cap on to cover up the needles in his head, EKG monitor stickers on his chest, and stick marks in both of his little feet. He also got this little bear from the hospital - a new program from one of the insurance companies that provides all hospitalized children with a little friend to take care of while they are in the hospital. Sammy is a bit small to realize what it was, but mommy sure thought it was a nice gesture. And Sam is doing just fine...

As you can see, all is rolling along as it should. Sam holds his little pumpkin head up as much as he can. He's working on his rolling and goo-ing and gaa-ing in true baby fashion, looking especially like the CEO of something or the other in the 4th picture from the top.

And here is a long and, admitedly, boring video clip (for those who really just can't get enough Sam time in, which is most likely my mom...) of general Sam cuteness.

February Fun

A little glimpse of life at our house the last couple of weeks...
Max is getting used to having another little person in the house. "Sammy is MY little brother!" he reminds the kids at daycare, and has told the daycare workers that the coziest thing he knows is "My Sammy." Here is the two compadres watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles... the newest film sensation here at the Mølgaard house.
We also took a daytrip out to Dyrehaven (Animal Park... so poetic...) to see the Queen's collection of wild deer. It's a great way to get out of the house, burn off the stink and it's free. We brought apples this time, thinking the poor deers (hee, hee...) would like a change of pace from carrots, only to find that all the other 3 million people who visited them that day did the same, so our furry friends were quite uninterested in our provisions. But we got to get close and touch them, which is really all it's about when you're 3.
And here is a couple of pictures of Morten's cousin, Christina and her husband, David and their 2 kids, Noah and Naamah. They came by to see Samuel and to wish us congratulations and we enjoyed a cozy evening with them and with Morten's folks. The boys got along famously, both equally crazy with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, guns and cars. And Naamah was thrilled about "the baby" which she wanted to hold, dress, undress, cover with blankets, kiss and hug all night. A lovely evening...