Tuesday, May 13, 2008

To Aunt Ruth's for Ascension Day

Morten's Aunt Ruth invited us out to her house for the long weekend we got for Christ's Ascension. (The Danes don't go to church, but they sure do take off for just about every Christian holiday there is, which is just fine with me!)
Ruth spoiled us (as is usual). She cooked and cleaned and pushed us out of the kitchen if we tried to help. I got to go to bed at 8 in the evening (which was great since I've been really tired with Baby in the CrockPot).
And, as if that weren't enough, we went for a drive out to see the sailboats out where the well-to-do dock and took a trip to the Zoo, where Max was quite enchanted with the hippos and the penguins. Here he is walking hand in hand with Moster Ruth on their way to see the Sea Lions.
The day before we headed home, we had just fantastic weather and spent the entire day out in Ruth's lovely garden. Max watered plants, chased bees, kicked the ball and picked flowers until his pants fell off. Little skinny butt... those are pants from last year when he weighed in at 13 kilos and was a bit rounder. Now he's a 15 kilo,solid little tank without an ounce of fat on him. Hey, it's good for the budget, that he can just wear last years shorts (which are now a little bit shorter) again this year, right?!

Max at 2 1/2

Hard to believe, but our little Max is already 2 1/2! And soon to be a big brother, by the way!
Time just zips by and sometimes it's hard to fathom that this little curly headed boy with blue eyes using big words in gramatically correct sentences is the same that entered the world for the first time less than 3 years ago.
Here are a few shots of life in general at home.
Max got an Easter greeting from his Great-Gramma in America. And here he is trying to figure out what to do with the "gift" inside. And another of Max doing one of his favorite things - "Play with Cars!" He loves to line them up and then crash into them.
I couldn't resist putting this one of him asking "please?!" - probably for an ice-cream: a daily event at our house. And last, but not least, Max with his favorite playmate, daddy.

Getting Warm in the Jungle

In the cool of March, Anni and Jens took us to one of the local "hot spots" in Denmark - Randers RainForrest. The park is built inside 3 huge domes so that they can keep the temperature nice and hot for all the jungle animals. And warm up all us frozen folk, too!
We joked a bit about it being an expensive ticket for Max to play in giant rain (condensation) puddles, since that was probably what most had his attention. But the monkeys, snakes, fish and the bugs came in a solid second place.
We all took turns chasing Max up and down stairs as can be seen in the "action shot" here. We have many more of that type of picture - usually mommy and grandma looking frantically about for our Rocket Man.
He did manage to slow down for his giant ice-cream, though.