Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Back in the USA

We made it to the States! Max flew 18 hours with very little complaint in very little planes. And come to find out, he had a slight ear infection to boot! So we were proud of our little soldier.

After a few days of recovering from jet lag and doctor visits, we were able to celebrate Max's birthday over in the US with grandma and grandpa. He even got the streamers and the silly hats alongside lots of gifts, including a huge stuffed tiger and a talking rocking horse.

Grandpa installed a swing in the backyard which has just been the cat's pajamas ever since we got here. Here's Max enjoying it immensely.
The final shots are of Max at the Botanical Gardens here in Tucson. Me and he took a little trip out and there were big pumpkins, miniature trains, face paintings, butterflies, horses...oh, goodness. Lots to see and do. And most importantly, LOTS of lovely desert sunshine.

Birthday in Copenhagen

Max and his whole family took a trip for his birthday to Copenhagen to see Aunt Ruth. She made a lovely turkey dinner and a beautiful layer cake for the birthday boy. Here you can see him chewing on the bones of the turkey and then using them as, well, as drumsticks!
Max also got all sorts of presents: a toy truck, books, noisy toys and an awesome riding car from farmor and farfar.

Fall in Denmark: 10-11 months

Well, here's little Max from around 10 to 11 months. He's getting into all sorts of adventures these days.
The first shot is of Max at the Apple Festival in Ebeltoft on the island of Mols in Denmark. Anni, Jens, Max and I took a day trip over and enjoyed all the sights and smells of apples baked and seasoned in every way. And Max got his very own.
The next picture was taken the same day there on the harbor. There is Max with farmor and farfar.
The next picture is of Max's new go-vogn. He started standing at about 9 months and so the next step was the little push wagon. It tilted when he stood up, so we loaded it with dictionaries and now he walks like a little champ with it.
The next picture was taken the day mommy thought that if Max could handle a pencil a little, then he would most surely love finger paints. He did. For about 2 minutes until he thought they were food and proceeded to rub them in his eyes, hair, nose and mouth. He's still a bit young for that one. But it made a good picture anyway. I decided not to photograph the actual clean-up process...
And finally, there's our little explorer in the kitchen. This is actually a milder shot where he has only opened the baby food and coffee filters. All the times when he has pulled out flour, sugar, cornmeal and rice, we didn't have a camera handy. Go figure... too busy sweeping to find it, I guess. But look at that face. How could anyone ever get mad at that angel. He's just exploring!