Saturday, February 25, 2006

Baby's First Hog

Never too early to get familiar with motorcycles! Here's Max riding hard in the saddle of his rocker chair...

Hanging Out

Here's Max together with daddy and in his big boy bed. Max has all but outgrown his lift and cradle (He's a bit over 7 kilos now - appx. 15 lbs) Soon he'll be sleeping here in his own room.

Crashed out...

A little cozy nap on momma's lap after lunch.

3 months old!

Here's Bubba getting ready for bed. He gurgles and squeals now, much to the delight of his camera happy mommy.

Checking out His Hands

Max has recently discovered his hands (and mommy's and daddy's). Cool toys - and cheap!

Here's our little gangsta' baby. He's throwing a Crypt sign back behind his sleeve, (hence the blue gang colors) - but we hid it so as not to encourage gang warfare with the other baby Bloods...

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Max With Daddy

Morten and Max reading a new book. Max is good at holding his head up now.