Friday, August 22, 2008

New "Stuff"

As our summer winds down, thought we'd update our blog with all the cool newness we got this summer (or around that time).

First and most important is, of course, little brother. We found out at the scanning that Max will be big brother to a little boy! Max tells everyone that he is getting a little sister, but we don't know if that is because he is confused or because he is 2 and likes to do and say the opposite of what we tell him. Either way, he seems clear that there is a baby in my belly (and milk in the other two bumps he has also become increasingly aware of).

The hair is new, too. Mommy needed something a little less heavy and a lot easier. So, yep... it's shorter.

Next on the list is Max's new room! Morten has been a busy, busy bee all summer. As you can see from the other posts, he has been working non-stop on his parents garden, fence, terrace and shed. When I wrangled him here at home, I had him working as well. And this is the lovely product - a cool new Lightning McQueen room in Dinaco Blue with Lightning, Sally and Mater decals and borders. (What, you don't know who I'm talking about? Seriously? I've seen Cars appx. 138,583,479,383,793 times.... I could quote it line for line). Morten painted the changing table, built a bed for Max and we got a new dresser to put all the baby stuff so there is room for the two boys. Max loves it and stands on his bed to "pet" Lightning. Mommy loves that it is clean and color coordinated!

Hoping to upload a picture of our new car (with us in it, as proof that we actually own it). But until then, will have to suffice with an online pic of, what Max calls "min blå bil" (Danish - MY blue car)


Pischke family said...

Wow... nice room!!!! And nice haircut too...

Szilvia said...

Looking great Leah!!! Are you getting younger??? Gosh, can we borrow Morten for some handy work in the near future? Great job re room, garden, fence and nevertheless re the boys, mate! XOX Sz