Sunday, August 10, 2008

Leg 3 of Vacation - Aunt Ruth

The final leg of our journey took us back to Copenhagen where Moster Ruth (Mother's sister Ruth) lives. The weather began to cool off a bit and we got poured on with rain - which was most welcome for me. After having been outside in the glorious sunshine for almost 2 weeks straight, our skin needed the moisture. Think the farmers were glad for it, too... So we stayed indoors and took Max on a trip to Denmarks Aquarium. It's an older aquarium, but is well laid-out with lots of info about the local sea life, as well as some pretty tropical aquariums, sharks, and rays. They also had a pretty decent touch pool for the kiddos. Max is used to picking up just about everything at the beach, (that's his biology minor mommy's fault), so he found it difficult to keep all the starfish, urchins, shrimp, snails and baby flounders in the water, but was just as careful as he could be with them. He also has a pretty good idea about which critters you can eat (which is actually alot!) and those you can't. Here he is touching a big crab - an event he still likes to talk about.
We took a drive along the coast one day as well, and stopped along a remote little bird sanctuary to fish for burning jelly fish. Max now knows that the red ones are not for touching since Mommy and Daddy must have told him 1000 times. So when he sees them now in books, he says "Those red ones burn!" Good boy.
And the last pic is of Max, just crashed out on Aunt Ruth's dining room chair. At this time, it was about 5 pm and he hadn't wanted to take a nap earlier in the day, so we thought we'd let him try and hang on until 7ish. Didn't work - but it made a good picture, for sure.

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