Sunday, August 10, 2008

Leg 2 of Vacation - Summer Camp

After our lovely visit with Inge, we drove out to Calvary Chapel's Summer Camp on the island of Sjælland. We had a wonderful time visiting with old friends and making new ones, as well as hearing some great teaching from the Bible. We can definetely recommend the camp and look forward to it every year now as a well-needed retreat.
There were many other kids, several of whom Max knows from Aarhus, like Jasmine and Jonas, so he got to play all day, every day in the wonderful weather. And of course, all the grown-ups who know Max covered him with hugs and kisses, kicked the ball around with him and generally took turns looking out for him. Here he is with Theis' sister, Sarah, who just seemed to be in her element around the kids or generally doing anything fun or silly.
There were also 3 women who drove all the way up from Germany just to take care of kids for the week, so Max had his own personal nanny - Wendy. She was a mix of Scottish and German, but spoke American English as she had lived in the States for awhile. Wendy made it possible for us to be a part of the meetings and relax. We LOVE Wendy! Here is a picture of her with all the daycare workers and the older kids (the little guys were sleeping, I think). She is the one to the far right in the light blue zip-up sweatshirt. Sorry, Wendy, that I chose that picture... it was just too cute.
If you're interested to see more pictures from our fun trip, or to read about the conference, check out their website at

1 comment:

Wendy said...

I found you!!!
It's so nice to be able to read abiut what's been going on!!!
Hope to stay in contact more now that I know where to find you! :-)
God bless!
Big hug to Max!!!
