Friday, July 04, 2008


It's finally summertime for all of us here in the pink box. Morten finished up early this semester since he finished a project last year that gave him credit for a course (the Alzheimers project) and I turned in my 3rd semester nursing exam at the end of June, which means time to relax!
Summertime in Denmark is strawberry season and everyone makes themselves sick on them until the end of August, only our little mouse is allergic to strawberries and doesn't need to eat many before he barfs. But he loves them none the less. So here is a picture of the crime scene: "Max, In the kitchen, with the Strawberry tray." All that remains of the brutally devoured strawberries are their little green heads.

The other two pictures are of a little trip that Max got to take with just daddy to the forrest for one of the days when I was working on my exam. You can see how beautiful Denmark is when the sun is shining and there are leaves on the trees. Here is Max, traipsing through the rough.

1 comment:

Tom Bisbee and Peg Bisbee R.N. said...

Gee, that looks just like Wisconsin!