Thursday, July 17, 2008

Tivoli with Tommy and Ulf

We're officially on vacation! And to kick off Max's summer break, we took him to Tivoli (the local amusement park) with his friend from church, Ulf, and his daddy, Tommy. It was a bit cloudy, so people stayed home, which meant that the lines were non-existent. But sunny enough that we didn't need more than our windbreakers. Max and Ulf burned up their little armbands and rode the cars and the motorcycles again and again, and again (and again....) Daddy tried the bumper cars together with Max - "a little scared" was Max's conclusion when he got off those. Mommy tried the balloons with Max - "high up!" he replied, proud of himself for trying. We also got to try the spinning teacups, but only after the encouragement of seeing 6 month older Ulf try them out first with his daddy. We grilled, we boated, we played on the playground and a good time was had by all!

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