Thursday, July 17, 2008

Our BIG boy!

It's undeniable now. Our baby isn't a baby anymore. Max will be 3 years old in 4 short months, and a big brother to boot. He's talking like a waterfall, both English and Danish...often mixed. For example, factory smokestacks and old cars "smoker" (which is the Danish ending for "-ing" added to the English verb, smoke). This he does alot. And he also likes to educate his friends at daycare and the daycare workers how to say things in English. He asked one what she was eating, and she replied in Danish "You know what it is. What is it?" To this, Max replied, "Gulerødder. In English, that's carrots."
Max's new capacities also opens up a whole new world of toys, like this Silly Puddy he received from Grandma in America. This has been loads of fun, and wonderful for mommy to know that he won't eat it all of a sudden.
The biggest news of all is that Max has given up his sut (pacifier). Here in Denmark, many people hang them on trees, and so that is what we decided to do. Max was brave and hung it up without a problem, confident that he was a big boy now. Later that night was a different story, but it only took a couple of nights before he was used to it. Harder on mommy than on him, to be sure. We are very proud of our little "quitter", and he got McDonalds for lunch that day with Max's favorite - "nuggets, french fries and cola" he asks for everytime. And just to really smear it on thick, an ice cream afterwards.
Max is about 3 foot tall now (100 cm), which has meant that his baby car chair was a bit too little. Daddy is a sucker for quality when it comes to Maximus, so he got a cool, new "race chair" to go in "Max's blue car".
The final pics are of Max being just the little sweetie that he is: he likes to help mommy vacuum or mop (just wish he was better at it! He'd be "helping" alot more...), or just about any other odd job we throw at him: like help daddy build or saw or hammer or chop carrots... you name it.
The last picture I couldn't resist. My two men with their umbrellas. "Tut, tut! It looks like rain!"

1 comment:

Szilvia said...

Very smart Leah, start domesticating your son now, so his wife in the future wont have to do it. I am amazed that he vacuums!!!! Do you know if your having a girl or a boy? XOX