Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Chicken Pox - Round 2!

This pretty much sums it up - Sammy got the Plague, uh.. I mean pox, about 14 days after big brother. Probably helped that we bathed them together several times while Max had them. We wanted him to just get it over with, but good golly miss molly, he got 'em good! He had big constellations of them on his head so that it looked like he had little antlers emerging.
We had one bad night where he more or less just howled because he had no idea how to scratch (thank goodness!) and then the rest was just smiles. We lucked out, to say the least.
But still, next time... I'm buying the vaccine.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

you were right-- he IS a chunk! What a sweetie! can't wait to see you guys (sometime) soon :o)