Christophe Vorlet, Pregnant Woman.Oil on canvas, 48 x 36 inches
Suppose it's time to do this officially: We're pregnant with number 3! It's sort of been just word of mouth that we were, and I can hear lots of people don't know it yet, so, well, now you do! I'm pregnant! at just about 4 months now, due the 3rd of March.
We were to a scanning around week 12, but the picture wasn't really all that telling yet. And most of you guys have seen me pregnant in previous posts, so thought we could add some culture here instead. So yes, this is me, pregnant!
I'm just about over the tired-sick-to-your-stomach oozies; still need a nap every day (awwwww....poor know how I HATE to sleep) but feeling much better. One might say normal, in a relative sense.
So, yep.... we're gonna find out if 3 is a magic number. Pretty sure it is......