Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Sam at 6 months - Max at 3 1/2

Here's our summer babies, getting bigger every day. This is Sammy, keeping an eye on us from under his bumper. He's realized that there is still stuff going on back behind the curtain...

Here are some shots of Sammy and Max together in the bath for the first time. They both thought it was quite fun (though you can't see it from Sam's expression), splashing and kicking and generally getting everything as wet as possible.

Little troll....

These shots were actually taken around Easter, but it took me awhile to get them on the blog. Our sweet little 3 1/2 year old plopped down in the flowers.

Of course they do, sweetheart. Get used to it!

Here's a short outtake of SamO. He's gotten pretty good at sitting now that he's a bit over 6 months. He's also on his belly and (almost) up on his knees "rockin' and rollin' and whatnot" these days. We've got a bet out that he'll be crawling and into everything by the end of the month. Sweet little booger, idn't he?


Wendy said...

Aww, he is way to cute! :-)
It's nice to see (read) you guys are good!
Do you have skype?


Theis said...

I hope our son will be as cute as your boys :-)