Friday, May 08, 2009

A few various shots of our little hooligans.
Some at the beach, some here at home, some of us, some put in crooked (sorry bout that) and some of our little pirate (Max is all about swords, knives, hooks for hands, patches over eyes....). Max also just recently received a bike from gramma/grampa. It's a bit big still, but he thinks it's "super cool".
Life is busy, but it is also blessed...


Allison said...

These pictures are so good! Samuel is really smiling for the camera, he's super photogenic. And now Max looks huge in all his pictures and with his big boy bike, it goes fast huh?

Tom Bisbee and Peg Bisbee R.N. said...

Cool bike. I think if you move the handlebar back toward him about 4 inches, he'll have better balance.

Unknown said...

Such cute pictures!! Cant wait to see you guys again soon....