Monday, January 05, 2009

Party, Party, Party

It's been a busy, busy December - full of festivities!
Max's daycare hosted a Christmas party, and Santa even had time to drop by. Max waited patiently until the next to last, with his hands behind his back, for his little bag of candy and then smiled and almost bowed to Santa with a big TAK! We were so proud of his manners, but aren't quite sure where how he got them, as we have never taught the royal bow..
There was also a Santa Lucia parade - with all the pretty girls dressed in white, with candles on a wreath around their heads and in the hands... very festive.
And there was an unveiling as well. All the kids got to draw a picture of themselves - and here is Max's rendition. We must admit we were also very proud of this. Here at home, we are happy about circles that (almost) meet and knowing that red is red and blue is blue. But a decided face with arms, legs and hair - we were most impressed! Those daycare workers are definitely earning their money!
Here is also a picture of me, mom, all dolled up for my Christmas party (all dolled up meaning I actually showered and put on mascara). Sam-O came with and got ooh's and aah's from all my classmates. He was good as gold.
And up top is Max at gramma and grampa Denmarks celebrating Christmas Eve with "wine" in his own glass - Diet Coke. We are all junkies over here, and admit it. We don't overimbibe alcohol or smoke, but man alive... we can't quit the DC. Though we only drink it on weekends (it's more expensive than booze), the thrill that comes on Friday when we know we can have Diet Coke has made an impression on Max as well. The other day, Max and I took the train into the city and enjoyed a day together, just the two of us. I bought him a new wallet with Lightning McQueen on it and he got 10 crowns in it to buy what he wanted, which of course, was candy. He bought gummi soda bottles. On enjoying them on the train, he shouted, much to the amusement of the kids sitting over from him, " It's Coca-Cola Light!" Mom was busted...


Tom Bisbee and Peg Bisbee R.N. said...

I knew that picture was of Max. The hair was

Peg Bisbee said...

That FarMor lets a 3-year-old use her beautiful crystal stemware is a testament to her love for her grandson! He's a lucky little boy to be so well-loved.