Friday, October 10, 2008

Leah's Birthday

Yep, I'm 34. That number just seems to keep going up and up. How come birthdays after 30 seem more frightening than fun? The jump from 9 to 10 was exhilerating, and from 15 to 16 was a change of life. Now, I just sort of want to ignore them more than anything....
But I was so glad that my family didn't. Anni and Jens came over that afternoon for coffee and cake. I/Max opened presents (got some absolutely gorgeous boots and all sorts of yummy smelly-goody girl stuff! Thanks family!) and then Anni and Jens watched Max for the evening so that Morten and I could get out of the house and eat ourselves sick with Mexican food. If ya gotta turn 34 anyway, that's the way to do it!

And here's a bit of footage displaying how our little man is learning the fine art of sneaking. We put him down at around 8, and went about our usual business of dishes, reading, showers, making lunches... all that fun stuff. Don't ask me how we didn't hear this, but our son was up for about an hour, playing cars, coloring, reading.... all that fun stuff. Here he is, finally caught in the act.

Max also got a cool little sticker book from Grandma and Grandpa America, filled with stickers of all sorts of trucks, tractors and things with wheels. The stickers were transferred from page to page for hours, until they had lost their sticky. Here's a video of the next life stage of the stickers, after they no longer "stuck" in the book.

1 comment:

Tom Bisbee and Peg Bisbee R.N. said...

Gee, it was just yesterday when I gave a little girl a ride to school in the black Corvette. Where did the time go?