It has been a glorious autumn in the frozen north! Usually we are turning up the radiators at the end of September and pulling out our wool sweaters. But we made up for a very wet summer with a lovely fall this year! We got the first frost in early November and that means that the leaves stayed on the trees all the way to the end of October and turned all sorts of colors. There was sunny skies, no wind and no rain (very un-danish in the fall), and that called for weekend trips out to the forrest.
Here we all are out at Moesgaard (pr. "mosegore") enjoying the crisp air. The building in the background is part of a century old flour mill and saw mill. The mill still works and every Sunday, you can go in and see how they ground corn, the old fashioned way. The mill was also attached to a large sawblade. So, it was like a 1900's Wal-Mart: get your flour milled and your logs chopped all at the same place!
None the less, a very cozy place to spend the day. The beach is just off to the right (the river flows directly into the harbor), horses from the neighboring farms ride through, and there are little fish in the ponds that are dammed off from the river.
The pics are pretty self-explanatory: Max with Farmor and Farfar, Max with daddy (Morten), us as a family, the pretty view, and the video is of Max discovering the endless opportunities of Sticks! Guard your face and the family jewels - Max has discovered Sticks!
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